A tough ride on a hot day to Lac de Gérardmer via Col de Grosse Pierre, in the Vosges region of France
Col de Grosse Pierre

A tough ride on a hot day to Lac de Gérardmer via Col de Grosse Pierre, in the Vosges region of France
Another lovely ride in the hills of the Vosges and a few more cols under my belt..
The last ride of my 2021 French tour. From Collobrières over the hills of the Massif des Maures to the Mediterranean
I climbed the highest mountain pass in Europe and ended up on Mars…
A breathtaking ride over the hills between the valleys of Le Tinée and Le Cians via le Col de la Sinne..
Noisy main roads and tunnels followed by a peaceful ride in the hills
An epic ride up the Roya valley and then a gravel climb to the Italian border at the Col de Tende, or the ‘Colle di Tenda’ in Italian
A ride through Breil-sur-Roya and in and out of Italy
I took on the Col de Turini for the second time, but using a different route up and a third route down. I think that’s the lot now..
A bike ride from Entrevaux over the Col de Laval and back via the Clue de Rouaine and Gorges de Garlange, on a sunny but breezy day