A wonderful bike ride from Gignod up the Valpelline valley to la Diga di Place Moulin, the fourth largest dam in Italy
Diga di Place Moulin

A wonderful bike ride from Gignod up the Valpelline valley to la Diga di Place Moulin, the fourth largest dam in Italy
While waiting for the weather to change for the better, I did a short ride around the outskirts of Aosta, Italy. Beautiful roads and beautiful views were my reward.
Another ride from Briançon, this time over the Col de Montgenèvre into Italy, then back into France via the Col de l’Echelle.
A bike ride to the ‘forbidden’ col de Larche, along the Ubayette valley to the Italian border.
I rode from Castello in Italy to the Colle dell’Agnello (2,744m). An amazing ride, with lots of marmots and spectacular mountain landscapes.
In the Gran Paradiso national park in Italy, I rode to the famous Colle del Nivolet through spectacular wild mountain scenery.
I finally got to see The Matterhorn up close..
A ride through Breil-sur-Roya and in and out of Italy