I was going to call this post “Le Tour de l’Isle de Grain” until I realised that the Isle of Grain is just the NE-most tip of the Hoo Peninsular
The Hoo Peninsular

I was going to call this post “Le Tour de l’Isle de Grain” until I realised that the Isle of Grain is just the NE-most tip of the Hoo Peninsular
Thought I’d have another go at Chart Lane..
Thought I’d try the easy way up Toys Hill…
No wind, no sun, no nothing. Just grey. Grey sky, grey roads, grey trees. Just interminable greyness.
And it was cold.
And I got a puncture
And it was so GREY!!
It was a great year, cycling-wise
Last ride of a great year
Ab yul ann idyad awt
En yab na log a toc na awd
Taw may on omma dawn ekyowl
Omma dawn ekyowl
First Sunday Inters ride for six weeks
Wet and windy ride started well but came to a painful end through some sort of knee problem.
Hilly route with lots of mud!