I saw a glowing review of this bike and it must have been just at the right time for me to be thinking about getting a new bike, even though there was nothing particularly wrong with my existing bike. It’s a bit like when you suddenly decide to get a different car. Once your mind is on that track you can’t shift it. You always end up getting a new car, and in my case it was inevitable that I would get some sort of new bike, and this one fit the bill. List price was £1499, but I had seen them going for £1299, and in one case £1199. Being late in the year this was 2012’s outgoing model, hence the generous discounts. I called my to see if they would offer a comparable price.
“Oh no, we sold out of those back in August. We can’t get any more of those. There are none left anywhere in the UK”
I panicked, thinking they were in short supply and immediately ordered one from Pedal-On. It was delivered in a couple of days. Needless to say, my LBS had got it wrong again! These were still for sale months later.
I was really looking forward to trying it but it rained every day for 2 weeks! I eventually got to try it out but the weather never really improved and I ended up riding it through a wet winter. I even bought mudguards because I was so fed-up with hosing it down after each ride! I find the bike very comfortable to ride, even over the atrocious road surfaces I encountered on the back country lanes. I love the SRAM Apex DoubleTap gear shifters. It took no time getting used to them. The ability to shift up or down while down in the drops is so convenient. The first upgrade I made was to fit Mavic Ksyrium Elite wheels I bought second-hand from a bloke selling them on eBay. Recently I fitted a , after briefly trying a
This shows the bike with the Mavic Ksyrium Elites, Selle Italia saddle and with the stem flipped to give a more aggressive rider position.
Hi Vince, hope you are doing well . I’m looking for a bit of advice regarding a garmin computer. I’m thinking of taking the plunge for an 800 with HR and cadence, wondered if you have any opinion on it? I’m training with the club on Tuesday nights, turbo session and circuits , I could use the HR and cadence on my comp 2 on the turbo? I keep coming back to the 800 as it has more potential for the mapping / gps for the longer rides. What’s your view Vince?
Hi Danny. I have the 705, and even though I have the HR monitor and cadence sensor I have never fitted them! But I use the 705 on every ride – I wouldn’t be without it. The 800 is an updated version of my one with a touch screen and temperature sensor, and other frills. Yes you can use the cadence and HR sensors on the TT. Don’t buy any maps for it – there are open-source maps of the UK available on the web.
Santa did his research and found out I was a good boy, an Edge 800 is on it’s way with HRM and Cadence for club training sessions on Tuesday nights ( turbo then circuits, been going since November, next sesh is gonna sting!)
What do I need to get for the mapping ? Is there a particular brand and size of mini SD card?
Some forums sag that you can lose some functions by using 3 rd party mapping turn by turn etc, I take it you haven’t had any problems ?
Hope you haven’t been affected by the floods, lost electricity etc. Close call down here in Chart Hill Rd.
Hi Danny, Try here for how to install free maps. I don’t use turn-by-turn, I just follow the map. It seems to work fine for me. I usually plan my routes on ridewithgps, upload to Garmin then ride. As far as I know any mini-SD card will work. Luckily the floods haven’t directly affected me.
Hi Vince,
Hope you are well and maybe getting some rides in, the weather is total pants and I’ve been ill a couple times, recently a cold followed by a gastro thing. Nasty. So I’m feeling a bit better, enough to get out of bed and tinker.
I’m hoping that you can help with a bit of advice regarding water bottle cage bolts for my Defy Comp 2. I lost one on the rear cage mount, bought some replacements off Wiggle ( red, so I’ve probably broken a rule !) and now realise that I also lost the spacer. I’m left with one back spacer in the rear mount, are they necessary and where can I get one? ( don’t say LBS!) Another question, do you put any type of grease on these bolts, if so what do you suggest? I have read about people having trouble with bottle cage mounts, bolts not coming out etc. Don’t want to be in that position but I don’t want to out something dodgy near the carbon frame either. I assume that the bolts and the insert will be alloy?
Grateful for your advice.
Fed up and bored. Danny
Hi Danny, sorry for the late reply: Gmail had decided to mark all my blog comments as spam, so I didn’t see it!
I’m sure you’ve sorted your problem out by now. Whether spacers are necessary depends on your bottle cage. You don’t want lots of the cage frame in contact with your bike frame else it could scratch it. The other consideration is whether the bottle can be accessed and put back without fear of hitting your frame all the time. Other than that, they are optional.
You can put grease on the bolts if you like. I have never had a problem. I did hear of someone once who had some sort of issue, but remember, they don’t need to be tightened too much. If they come loose you’ll soon know about it because your bottle cage will rattle like crazy long before the bolt comes out, so I would err on the side of loose. I’d rather they fell out than risk stripping the thread or having them seize and risk the whole insert coming out.
I hope you get well enough to get riding soon. (At least the weather has been crap so you haven’t missed much!)