Fitted new disc brake pads to the GT Grade to keep everyone happy
Fitting New Disc Brake Pads

Adventures on my bike
Fitted new disc brake pads to the GT Grade to keep everyone happy
First ride of the year. First ride on gravel bike. First hot sunny day of the year. Lots of things learned
How I fitted a whole new drivetrain to the GT Grade and serviced the DT Swiss freewheel hub
Gear ratios on the GT Grade are too high for a gravel bike. “Where’s the data?” I hear you ask…
Fat tyres, angle grinders and weights
I finally bought a gravel bike – now all I need is some gravel…
I’ve re-designed the site to make it easier to view
Ride to check-out the old tramway route to Guillaumes
Gilette, the best a man can get!
(Yeah, I know – different spelling – whatever)
The dramatic Gorges de Daluis followed by a tough climb