Nice club ride to Bodiam
Bodiam (SFA)

Adventures on my bike
Nice club ride to Bodiam
A great club event with superb weather
Challenging ride involving lots of punctures and other failures
Fixed my front derailleur and other stuff
Cold, windy, noisy, grey ride!
I was going to call this post “Le Tour de l’Isle de Grain” until I realised that the Isle of Grain is just the NE-most tip of the Hoo Peninsular
Thought I’d have another go at Chart Lane..
Thought I’d try the easy way up Toys Hill…
No wind, no sun, no nothing. Just grey. Grey sky, grey roads, grey trees. Just interminable greyness.
And it was cold.
And I got a puncture
And it was so GREY!!
It was a great year, cycling-wise