As the still potent remnants of Hurricane Bertha approached SW England, we rode through the night, straight into its path, armed only with rules #5 and #9…
Exmouth Exodus

Adventures on my bike
As the still potent remnants of Hurricane Bertha approached SW England, we rode through the night, straight into its path, armed only with rules #5 and #9…
Exploring Essex by way of the Gravesend – Tilbury ferry
Evening ride to the pub. At 17 miles, it’s not exactly my ‘local’
Aborted mission to exotic lands across the water
My first foray into the world of tubs
Reynolds MV32T Carbon Rims
My first 200 km ride. That’s 125 miles in real money!
A big group of 16 of us rode out to Rye Harbour.
Had a slow puncture in my front tubular.
My first 100-mile ride. Well, 102.4 actually! The furthest I’ve yet been
A beautiful night to be cycling around the world’s greatest city. Warm, dry and calm. Raised £270 for British Red Cross