Vigo Hill

 Date climbed  29th October 2013  Elevation gain  244 feet  Length  0.39 mile  Duration  4.5 minutes This hill is so steep that, even in a car, it is scary going down. In fact most drivers seem to take it quite slowly. I have only included figures here for Vigo Hill itself. Before you reach the beginning …

Challock (SFA)

Ham Street (SFA)

Michelin Pro 4 Service Course Tyres

Red tyres
#40: Tyres are to be mounted with the label centred over the valve stem.

Pro mechanics do it because it makes it easier to find the valve. You do this because that’s the way pro mechanics do it. This will save you precious seconds while your fat ass sits on the roadside fumbling with your CO2 after a flat. It also looks better for photo opportunities. Note: This obviously only applies to clinchers as tubulars don’t give you a choice.

Park Tools Tyre Boot


View from Cotman's Ash Lane

Hawkhurst (SFA)

Colnago CLX 3.0 di2 2013