
Distance: 42.9 miles. Elevation: 6789 ft.

Col du Solude | Col d'Ornon

High5 Zero Sports
High5 Zero Sports
SiS Energy Gel

2 Replies to “Villard-Notre-Dame”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post this great report Vince, your outstanding photos triggered some great memories of these climbs. I’ve ridden up through Villard notre dame in the same direction as you and was puzzled that anyone would want to descend that road, as it was scary enough going up it! I seem to recall that there was a fence made out of old skis just as you entered the village at Ouelles?

    1. Thanks as always for your comment Martin. I’m glad to have refreshed your memory of this spectacular road.
      I agree – I wouldn’t fancy descending the balcony section.
      I can’t say I remember seeing the ski fence, but by that time my mind and senses had been well and truly blown!

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